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Press Release


By 12 January, 20162 Comments

DENLY GOES DRY FOR PCA BENEVOLENT FUND Joe Denly, the Kent and former England international batsman, is going dry for 2016 to help raise money for the PCA Professional Cricketers’ Trust and Cancer Research UK. Denly is following the example of Durham seamer Chris Rushworth, who gave up alcohol for the whole of 2014, by not drinking for a year with the aim of raising a total of £ 3,000 which will be divided between the two charities. ” Chris did it a couple of years ago. He gave me the idea and I thought why not?” Denly said. ” I enjoy a challenge and this is going to be quite a challenge. But compared to what other people go through, in the big scheme of things, it’s not that big a challenge.” There will certainly be challenges ahead for Denly as he celebrates his 30th birthday in March and is due to become a father for the first time in June, but he has so far stuck to his no-alcohol policy. ” I’ve not developed the shakes or anything yet. The weekend was a bit boring if I’m honest and there are going to be challenges throughout the year,” he said. ” I have got my 30th birthday coming up and my wife is pregnant with our first child which is due in June so I have chosen a good year to do it. ” I’m trying not to avoid going to pubs. I went for some food last night with Rob Key and his wife and my wife and I got on the blackcurrant and sodas. I should think there will be a lot of more that and diet Coke and coffee drunk this year.” Denly chose Cancer Research UK as one of his charities as his mother, sister and an auntie have all suffered some form of cancer recently but have all recovered. The PCA Professional Cricketers’ Trust, sponsored by Royal London, is part of the PCA’s commitment to helping current and former players and their dependants in times of hardship and upheaval, or to readjust to the world beyond the game. For further information and to support Joe Denly’s dry year visit: {{ak_sharing}}