PCA Response To ICC Announcement On Recognition Of FICA – 31/10/2003 The PCA is delighted that the International Cricket Council (ICC) has today agreed to fully recognise the Federation of International Cricket Associations (FICA). Richard Bevan, group chief executive of the PCA and a director of FICA, believes that this formal recognition of FICA will be of great benefit to players, creating a process by which consultation and agreement can be reached on a range of playing issues. Bevan said: "We have lobbied tirelessly to ensure that players are more effectively represented at the highest levels in the game. Today’s decision by the ICC means that key areas of concern for players, including safety and the volume of cricket being played can be more directly addressed. "FICA has successfully represented players for several years, however formal recognition by the ICC suggests a realisation that to drive the development of the international game, players views need to be given due prominence." A full statement from FICA will be made week commencing 3rd November.
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